
892 lines
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package migrate
import (
type MigrationDirection int
const (
Up MigrationDirection = iota
// MigrationSet provides database parameters for a migration execution
type MigrationSet struct {
// TableName name of the table used to store migration info.
TableName string
// SchemaName schema that the migration table be referenced.
SchemaName string
// IgnoreUnknown skips the check to see if there is a migration
// ran in the database that is not in MigrationSource.
// This should be used sparingly as it is removing a safety check.
IgnoreUnknown bool
// DisableCreateTable disable the creation of the migration table
DisableCreateTable bool
var migSet = MigrationSet{}
// NewMigrationSet returns a parametrized Migration object
func (ms MigrationSet) getTableName() string {
if ms.TableName == "" {
return "gorp_migrations"
return ms.TableName
var numberPrefixRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+).*$`)
// PlanError happens where no migration plan could be created between the sets
// of already applied migrations and the currently found. For example, when the database
// contains a migration which is not among the migrations list found for an operation.
type PlanError struct {
Migration *Migration
ErrorMessage string
func newPlanError(migration *Migration, errorMessage string) error {
return &PlanError{
Migration: migration,
ErrorMessage: errorMessage,
func (p *PlanError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create migration plan because of %s: %s",
p.Migration.Id, p.ErrorMessage)
// TxError is returned when any error is encountered during a database
// transaction. It contains the relevant *Migration and notes it's Id in the
// Error function output.
type TxError struct {
Migration *Migration
Err error
func newTxError(migration *PlannedMigration, err error) error {
return &TxError{
Migration: migration.Migration,
Err: err,
func (e *TxError) Error() string {
return e.Err.Error() + " handling " + e.Migration.Id
// Set the name of the table used to store migration info.
// Should be called before any other call such as (Exec, ExecMax, ...).
func SetTable(name string) {
if name != "" {
migSet.TableName = name
// SetSchema sets the name of a schema that the migration table be referenced.
func SetSchema(name string) {
if name != "" {
migSet.SchemaName = name
// SetDisableCreateTable sets the boolean to disable the creation of the migration table
func SetDisableCreateTable(disable bool) {
migSet.DisableCreateTable = disable
// SetIgnoreUnknown sets the flag that skips database check to see if there is a
// migration in the database that is not in migration source.
// This should be used sparingly as it is removing a safety check.
func SetIgnoreUnknown(v bool) {
migSet.IgnoreUnknown = v
type Migration struct {
Id string
Up []string
Down []string
DisableTransactionUp bool
DisableTransactionDown bool
func (m Migration) Less(other *Migration) bool {
switch {
case m.isNumeric() && other.isNumeric() && m.VersionInt() != other.VersionInt():
return m.VersionInt() < other.VersionInt()
case m.isNumeric() && !other.isNumeric():
return true
case !m.isNumeric() && other.isNumeric():
return false
return m.Id < other.Id
func (m Migration) isNumeric() bool {
return len(m.NumberPrefixMatches()) > 0
func (m Migration) NumberPrefixMatches() []string {
return numberPrefixRegex.FindStringSubmatch(m.Id)
func (m Migration) VersionInt() int64 {
v := m.NumberPrefixMatches()[1]
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse %q into int64: %s", v, err))
return value
type PlannedMigration struct {
DisableTransaction bool
Queries []string
type byId []*Migration
func (b byId) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b byId) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byId) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Less(b[j]) }
type MigrationRecord struct {
Id string `db:"id"`
AppliedAt time.Time `db:"applied_at"`
type OracleDialect struct {
func (OracleDialect) IfTableNotExists(command, _, _ string) string {
return command
func (OracleDialect) IfSchemaNotExists(command, _ string) string {
return command
func (OracleDialect) IfTableExists(command, _, _ string) string {
return command
var MigrationDialects = map[string]gorp.Dialect{
"sqlite3": gorp.SqliteDialect{},
"postgres": gorp.PostgresDialect{},
"mysql": gorp.MySQLDialect{Engine: "InnoDB", Encoding: "UTF8"},
"mssql": gorp.SqlServerDialect{},
"oci8": OracleDialect{},
"godror": OracleDialect{},
"snowflake": gorp.SnowflakeDialect{},
type MigrationSource interface {
// Finds the migrations.
// The resulting slice of migrations should be sorted by Id.
FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error)
// A hardcoded set of migrations, in-memory.
type MemoryMigrationSource struct {
Migrations []*Migration
var _ MigrationSource = (*MemoryMigrationSource)(nil)
func (m MemoryMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
// Make sure migrations are sorted. In order to make the MemoryMigrationSource safe for
// concurrent use we should not mutate it in place. So `FindMigrations` would sort a copy
// of the m.Migrations.
migrations := make([]*Migration, len(m.Migrations))
copy(migrations, m.Migrations)
return migrations, nil
// A set of migrations loaded from an http.FileServer
type HttpFileSystemMigrationSource struct {
FileSystem http.FileSystem
var _ MigrationSource = (*HttpFileSystemMigrationSource)(nil)
func (f HttpFileSystemMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
return findMigrations(f.FileSystem, "/")
// A set of migrations loaded from a directory.
type FileMigrationSource struct {
Dir string
var _ MigrationSource = (*FileMigrationSource)(nil)
func (f FileMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
filesystem := http.Dir(f.Dir)
return findMigrations(filesystem, "/")
func findMigrations(dir http.FileSystem, root string) ([]*Migration, error) {
migrations := make([]*Migration, 0)
file, err := dir.Open(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files, err := file.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, info := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".sql") {
migration, err := migrationFromFile(dir, root, info)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
migrations = append(migrations, migration)
// Make sure migrations are sorted
return migrations, nil
func migrationFromFile(dir http.FileSystem, root string, info os.FileInfo) (*Migration, error) {
path := path.Join(root, info.Name())
file, err := dir.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while opening %s: %w", info.Name(), err)
defer func() { _ = file.Close() }()
migration, err := ParseMigration(info.Name(), file)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error while parsing %s: %w", info.Name(), err)
return migration, nil
// Migrations from a bindata asset set.
type AssetMigrationSource struct {
// Asset should return content of file in path if exists
Asset func(path string) ([]byte, error)
// AssetDir should return list of files in the path
AssetDir func(path string) ([]string, error)
// Path in the bindata to use.
Dir string
var _ MigrationSource = (*AssetMigrationSource)(nil)
func (a AssetMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
migrations := make([]*Migration, 0)
files, err := a.AssetDir(a.Dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, name := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".sql") {
file, err := a.Asset(path.Join(a.Dir, name))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
migration, err := ParseMigration(name, bytes.NewReader(file))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
migrations = append(migrations, migration)
// Make sure migrations are sorted
return migrations, nil
// A set of migrations loaded from an go1.16 embed.FS
type EmbedFileSystemMigrationSource struct {
FileSystem embed.FS
Root string
var _ MigrationSource = (*EmbedFileSystemMigrationSource)(nil)
func (f EmbedFileSystemMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
return findMigrations(http.FS(f.FileSystem), f.Root)
// Avoids pulling in the packr library for everyone, mimicks the bits of
// packr.Box that we need.
type PackrBox interface {
List() []string
Find(name string) ([]byte, error)
// Migrations from a packr box.
type PackrMigrationSource struct {
Box PackrBox
// Path in the box to use.
Dir string
var _ MigrationSource = (*PackrMigrationSource)(nil)
func (p PackrMigrationSource) FindMigrations() ([]*Migration, error) {
migrations := make([]*Migration, 0)
items := p.Box.List()
prefix := ""
dir := path.Clean(p.Dir)
if dir != "." {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", dir)
for _, item := range items {
if !strings.HasPrefix(item, prefix) {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(item, prefix)
if strings.Contains(name, "/") {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".sql") {
file, err := p.Box.Find(item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
migration, err := ParseMigration(name, bytes.NewReader(file))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
migrations = append(migrations, migration)
// Make sure migrations are sorted
return migrations, nil
// Migration parsing
func ParseMigration(id string, r io.ReadSeeker) (*Migration, error) {
m := &Migration{
Id: id,
parsed, err := sqlparse.ParseMigration(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing migration (%s): %w", id, err)
m.Up = parsed.UpStatements
m.Down = parsed.DownStatements
m.DisableTransactionUp = parsed.DisableTransactionUp
m.DisableTransactionDown = parsed.DisableTransactionDown
return m, nil
type SqlExecutor interface {
Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Insert(list ...interface{}) error
Delete(list ...interface{}) (int64, error)
// Execute a set of migrations
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func Exec(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection) (int, error) {
return ExecMaxContext(context.Background(), db, dialect, m, dir, 0)
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func (ms MigrationSet) Exec(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection) (int, error) {
return ms.ExecMaxContext(context.Background(), db, dialect, m, dir, 0)
// Execute a set of migrations with an input context.
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func ExecContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection) (int, error) {
return ExecMaxContext(ctx, db, dialect, m, dir, 0)
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func (ms MigrationSet) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection) (int, error) {
return ms.ExecMaxContext(ctx, db, dialect, m, dir, 0)
// Execute a set of migrations
// Will apply at most `max` migrations. Pass 0 for no limit (or use Exec).
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func ExecMax(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) (int, error) {
return migSet.ExecMax(db, dialect, m, dir, max)
// Execute a set of migrations with an input context.
// Will apply at most `max` migrations. Pass 0 for no limit (or use Exec).
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func ExecMaxContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) (int, error) {
return migSet.ExecMaxContext(ctx, db, dialect, m, dir, max)
// Execute a set of migrations
// Will apply at the target `version` of migration. Cannot be a negative value.
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func ExecVersion(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) (int, error) {
return ExecVersionContext(context.Background(), db, dialect, m, dir, version)
// Execute a set of migrations with an input context.
// Will apply at the target `version` of migration. Cannot be a negative value.
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func ExecVersionContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) (int, error) {
if version < 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("target version %d should not be negative", version)
return migSet.ExecVersionContext(ctx, db, dialect, m, dir, version)
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func (ms MigrationSet) ExecMax(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) (int, error) {
return ms.ExecMaxContext(context.Background(), db, dialect, m, dir, max)
// Returns the number of applied migrations, but applies with an input context.
func (ms MigrationSet) ExecMaxContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) (int, error) {
migrations, dbMap, err := ms.PlanMigration(db, dialect, m, dir, max)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return ms.applyMigrations(ctx, dir, migrations, dbMap)
// Returns the number of applied migrations.
func (ms MigrationSet) ExecVersion(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) (int, error) {
return ms.ExecVersionContext(context.Background(), db, dialect, m, dir, version)
func (ms MigrationSet) ExecVersionContext(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) (int, error) {
migrations, dbMap, err := ms.PlanMigrationToVersion(db, dialect, m, dir, version)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return ms.applyMigrations(ctx, dir, migrations, dbMap)
// Applies the planned migrations and returns the number of applied migrations.
func (MigrationSet) applyMigrations(ctx context.Context, dir MigrationDirection, migrations []*PlannedMigration, dbMap *gorp.DbMap) (int, error) {
applied := 0
for _, migration := range migrations {
var executor SqlExecutor
var err error
if migration.DisableTransaction {
executor = dbMap.WithContext(ctx)
} else {
e, err := dbMap.Begin()
if err != nil {
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
executor = e.WithContext(ctx)
for _, stmt := range migration.Queries {
// remove the semicolon from stmt, fix ORA-00922 issue in database oracle
stmt = strings.TrimSuffix(stmt, "\n")
stmt = strings.TrimSuffix(stmt, " ")
stmt = strings.TrimSuffix(stmt, ";")
if _, err := executor.Exec(stmt); err != nil {
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
_ = trans.Rollback()
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
switch dir {
case Up:
err = executor.Insert(&MigrationRecord{
Id: migration.Id,
AppliedAt: time.Now(),
if err != nil {
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
_ = trans.Rollback()
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
case Down:
_, err := executor.Delete(&MigrationRecord{
Id: migration.Id,
if err != nil {
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
_ = trans.Rollback()
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
panic("Not possible")
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
if err := trans.Commit(); err != nil {
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
return applied, nil
// Plan a migration.
func PlanMigration(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) ([]*PlannedMigration, *gorp.DbMap, error) {
return migSet.PlanMigration(db, dialect, m, dir, max)
// Plan a migration to version.
func PlanMigrationToVersion(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) ([]*PlannedMigration, *gorp.DbMap, error) {
return migSet.PlanMigrationToVersion(db, dialect, m, dir, version)
// Plan a migration.
func (ms MigrationSet) PlanMigration(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) ([]*PlannedMigration, *gorp.DbMap, error) {
return ms.planMigrationCommon(db, dialect, m, dir, max, -1)
// Plan a migration to version.
func (ms MigrationSet) PlanMigrationToVersion(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, version int64) ([]*PlannedMigration, *gorp.DbMap, error) {
return ms.planMigrationCommon(db, dialect, m, dir, 0, version)
// A common method to plan a migration.
func (ms MigrationSet) planMigrationCommon(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int, version int64) ([]*PlannedMigration, *gorp.DbMap, error) {
dbMap, err := ms.getMigrationDbMap(db, dialect)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
migrations, err := m.FindMigrations()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var migrationRecords []MigrationRecord
_, err = dbMap.Select(&migrationRecords, fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", dbMap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(ms.SchemaName, ms.getTableName())))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Sort migrations that have been run by Id.
var existingMigrations []*Migration
for _, migrationRecord := range migrationRecords {
existingMigrations = append(existingMigrations, &Migration{
Id: migrationRecord.Id,
// Make sure all migrations in the database are among the found migrations which
// are to be applied.
if !ms.IgnoreUnknown {
migrationsSearch := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, migration := range migrations {
migrationsSearch[migration.Id] = struct{}{}
for _, existingMigration := range existingMigrations {
if _, ok := migrationsSearch[existingMigration.Id]; !ok {
return nil, nil, newPlanError(existingMigration, "unknown migration in database")
// Get last migration that was run
record := &Migration{}
if len(existingMigrations) > 0 {
record = existingMigrations[len(existingMigrations)-1]
result := make([]*PlannedMigration, 0)
// Add missing migrations up to the last run migration.
// This can happen for example when merges happened.
if len(existingMigrations) > 0 {
result = append(result, ToCatchup(migrations, existingMigrations, record)...)
// Figure out which migrations to apply
toApply := ToApply(migrations, record.Id, dir)
toApplyCount := len(toApply)
if version >= 0 {
targetIndex := 0
for targetIndex < len(toApply) {
tempVersion := toApply[targetIndex].VersionInt()
if dir == Up && tempVersion > version || dir == Down && tempVersion < version {
return nil, nil, newPlanError(&Migration{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown migration with version id %d in database", version).Error())
if tempVersion == version {
toApplyCount = targetIndex + 1
if targetIndex == len(toApply) {
return nil, nil, newPlanError(&Migration{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown migration with version id %d in database", version).Error())
} else if max > 0 && max < toApplyCount {
toApplyCount = max
for _, v := range toApply[0:toApplyCount] {
if dir == Up {
result = append(result, &PlannedMigration{
Migration: v,
Queries: v.Up,
DisableTransaction: v.DisableTransactionUp,
} else if dir == Down {
result = append(result, &PlannedMigration{
Migration: v,
Queries: v.Down,
DisableTransaction: v.DisableTransactionDown,
return result, dbMap, nil
// Skip a set of migrations
// Will skip at most `max` migrations. Pass 0 for no limit.
// Returns the number of skipped migrations.
func SkipMax(db *sql.DB, dialect string, m MigrationSource, dir MigrationDirection, max int) (int, error) {
migrations, dbMap, err := PlanMigration(db, dialect, m, dir, max)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Skip migrations
applied := 0
for _, migration := range migrations {
var executor SqlExecutor
if migration.DisableTransaction {
executor = dbMap
} else {
executor, err = dbMap.Begin()
if err != nil {
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
err = executor.Insert(&MigrationRecord{
Id: migration.Id,
AppliedAt: time.Now(),
if err != nil {
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
_ = trans.Rollback()
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
if trans, ok := executor.(*gorp.Transaction); ok {
if err := trans.Commit(); err != nil {
return applied, newTxError(migration, err)
return applied, nil
// Filter a slice of migrations into ones that should be applied.
func ToApply(migrations []*Migration, current string, direction MigrationDirection) []*Migration {
index := -1
if current != "" {
for index < len(migrations)-1 {
if migrations[index].Id == current {
if direction == Up {
return migrations[index+1:]
} else if direction == Down {
if index == -1 {
return []*Migration{}
// Add in reverse order
toApply := make([]*Migration, index+1)
for i := 0; i < index+1; i++ {
toApply[index-i] = migrations[i]
return toApply
panic("Not possible")
func ToCatchup(migrations, existingMigrations []*Migration, lastRun *Migration) []*PlannedMigration {
missing := make([]*PlannedMigration, 0)
for _, migration := range migrations {
found := false
for _, existing := range existingMigrations {
if existing.Id == migration.Id {
found = true
if !found && migration.Less(lastRun) {
missing = append(missing, &PlannedMigration{
Migration: migration,
Queries: migration.Up,
DisableTransaction: migration.DisableTransactionUp,
return missing
func GetMigrationRecords(db *sql.DB, dialect string) ([]*MigrationRecord, error) {
return migSet.GetMigrationRecords(db, dialect)
func (ms MigrationSet) GetMigrationRecords(db *sql.DB, dialect string) ([]*MigrationRecord, error) {
dbMap, err := ms.getMigrationDbMap(db, dialect)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var records []*MigrationRecord
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY %s ASC", dbMap.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(ms.SchemaName, ms.getTableName()), dbMap.Dialect.QuoteField("id"))
_, err = dbMap.Select(&records, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return records, nil
func (ms MigrationSet) getMigrationDbMap(db *sql.DB, dialect string) (*gorp.DbMap, error) {
d, ok := MigrationDialects[dialect]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown dialect: %s", dialect)
// When using the mysql driver, make sure that the parseTime option is
// configured, otherwise it won't map time columns to time.Time. See
if dialect == "mysql" {
var out *time.Time
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT NOW()").Scan(&out)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "sql: Scan error on column index 0: unsupported driver -> Scan pair: []uint8 -> *time.Time" ||
err.Error() == "sql: Scan error on column index 0: unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type []uint8 into type *time.Time" ||
err.Error() == "sql: Scan error on column index 0, name \"NOW()\": unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type []uint8 into type *time.Time" {
return nil, errors.New(`Cannot parse dates.
Make sure that the parseTime option is supplied to your database connection.
Check for more info.`)
return nil, err
// Create migration database map
dbMap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: d}
table := dbMap.AddTableWithNameAndSchema(MigrationRecord{}, ms.SchemaName, ms.getTableName()).SetKeys(false, "Id")
if dialect == "oci8" || dialect == "godror" {
if ms.DisableCreateTable {
return dbMap, nil
err := dbMap.CreateTablesIfNotExists()
if err != nil {
// Oracle database does not support `if not exists`, so use `ORA-00955:` error code
// to check if the table exists.
if (dialect == "oci8" || dialect == "godror") && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "ORA-00955:") {
return dbMap, nil
return nil, err
return dbMap, nil
// TODO: Run migration + record insert in transaction.