package gofakeit import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "strings" ) // Gamertag will generate a random video game username func Gamertag() string { return gamertag(globalFaker.Rand) } // Gamertag will generate a random video game username func (f *Faker) Gamertag() string { return gamertag(f.Rand) } func gamertag(r *rand.Rand) string { str := "" num := number(r, 1, 4) switch num { case 1: str = fmt.Sprintf("%s%ser", title(nounConcrete(r)), title(verbAction(r))) case 2: str = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", title(adjectiveDescriptive(r)), title(animal(r))) case 3: str = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", title(adjectiveDescriptive(r)), title(nounConcrete(r))) case 4: str = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", title(fruit(r)), title(adjectiveDescriptive(r))) } // Randomly determine if we should add a number if r.Intn(3) == 1 { str += digitN(r, uint(number(r, 1, 3))) } // Remove any spaces str = strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1) return str } // Dice will generate a random set of dice func Dice(numDice uint, sides []uint) []uint { return dice(globalFaker.Rand, numDice, sides) } // Dice will generate a random set of dice func (f *Faker) Dice(numDice uint, sides []uint) []uint { return dice(f.Rand, numDice, sides) } func dice(r *rand.Rand, numDice uint, sides []uint) []uint { dice := make([]uint, numDice) // If we dont have any sides well set the sides to 6 if len(sides) == 0 { sides = []uint{6} } for i := range dice { // If sides[i] doesnt exist use the first side if len(sides)-1 < i { dice[i] = uint(number(r, 1, int(sides[0]))) } else { dice[i] = uint(number(r, 1, int(sides[i]))) } } return dice } func addGameLookup() { AddFuncLookup("gamertag", Info{ Display: "Gamertag", Category: "game", Description: "User-selected online username or alias used for identification in games", Example: "footinterpret63", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return gamertag(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("dice", Info{ Display: "Dice", Category: "game", Description: "Small, cube-shaped objects used in games of chance for random outcomes", Example: "[5, 2, 3]", Output: "[]uint", Params: []Param{ {Field: "numdice", Display: "Number of Dice", Type: "uint", Default: "1", Description: "Number of dice to roll"}, {Field: "sides", Display: "Number of Sides", Type: "[]uint", Default: "[6]", Description: "Number of sides on each dice"}, }, Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { numDice, err := info.GetUint(m, "numdice") if err != nil { return nil, err } sides, err := info.GetUintArray(m, "sides") if err != nil { return nil, err } return dice(r, numDice, sides), nil }, }) }