package gofakeit import ( crand "crypto/rand" "encoding/binary" "math/rand" "sync" ) // Create global variable to deal with global function call. var globalFaker *Faker = New(0) // Faker struct is the primary struct for using localized. type Faker struct { Rand *rand.Rand } type lockedSource struct { lk sync.Mutex src rand.Source64 } func (r *lockedSource) Int63() (n int64) { n = r.src.Int63() return } func (r *lockedSource) Uint64() (n uint64) { n = r.src.Uint64() return } func (r *lockedSource) Seed(seed int64) { r.src.Seed(seed) } type cryptoRand struct { sync.Mutex buf []byte } func (c *cryptoRand) Seed(seed int64) {} func (c *cryptoRand) Uint64() uint64 { // Lock to make reading thread safe c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() crand.Read(c.buf) return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(c.buf) } func (c *cryptoRand) Int63() int64 { return int64(c.Uint64() & ^uint64(1<<63)) } // New will utilize math/rand for concurrent random usage. // Setting seed to 0 will use crypto/rand for the initial seed number. func New(seed int64) *Faker { // If passing 0 create crypto safe int64 for initial seed number if seed == 0 { binary.Read(crand.Reader, binary.BigEndian, &seed) } return &Faker{Rand: rand.New(&lockedSource{src: rand.NewSource(seed).(rand.Source64)})} } // NewUnlocked will utilize math/rand for non concurrent safe random usage. // Setting seed to 0 will use crypto/rand for the initial seed number. // NewUnlocked is more performant but not safe to run concurrently. func NewUnlocked(seed int64) *Faker { // If passing 0 create crypto safe int64 for initial seed number if seed == 0 { binary.Read(crand.Reader, binary.BigEndian, &seed) } return &Faker{Rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))} } // NewCrypto will utilize crypto/rand for concurrent random usage. func NewCrypto() *Faker { return &Faker{Rand: rand.New(&cryptoRand{ buf: make([]byte, 8), })} } // NewCustom will utilize a custom rand.Source64 for concurrent random usage // See for required interface methods func NewCustom(source rand.Source64) *Faker { return &Faker{Rand: rand.New(source)} } // SetGlobalFaker will allow you to set what type of faker is globally used. Defailt is math/rand func SetGlobalFaker(faker *Faker) { globalFaker = faker }