package benefactoraddresshandler import ( "net/http" param "" "" httpmsg "" "" ) // AddAddress godoc // @Summary Add a new address for a benefactor // @Description This endpoint allows an authenticated benefactor to add a new address to their account. // @Tags Address // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Param Request body param.BenefactorAddAddressRequest true "New address details" // @Success 201 {object} param.BenefactorAddAddressResponse // @Failure 400 {string} "Bad request" // @Security AuthBearerBenefactor // @Router /address/ [post] func (h Handler) AddAddress(c echo.Context) error { req := param.BenefactorAddAddressRequest{} if bErr := c.Bind(&req); bErr != nil { return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest) } claims := claim.GetClaimsFromEchoContext(c) req.BenefactorID = claims.UserID if fieldErrors, err := h.addressVld.ValidateAddAddress(req); err != nil { msg, code := httpmsg.Error(err) return c.JSON(code, echo.Map{ "message": msg, "errors": fieldErrors, }) } resp, sErr := h.addressSvc.Add(c.Request().Context(), req) if sErr != nil { msg, code := httpmsg.Error(sErr) return echo.NewHTTPError(code, msg) } return c.JSON(http.StatusCreated, resp) }