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2024-04-26 19:30:35 +00:00
package gofakeit
import (
type SQLOptions struct {
Table string `json:"table" xml:"table"` // Table name we are inserting into
Count int `json:"count" xml:"count"` // How many entries (tuples) we're generating
Fields []Field `json:"fields" xml:"fields"` // The fields to be generated
func SQL(so *SQLOptions) (string, error) { return sqlFunc(globalFaker.Rand, so) }
func (f *Faker) SQL(so *SQLOptions) (string, error) { return sqlFunc(f.Rand, so) }
func sqlFunc(r *rand.Rand, so *SQLOptions) (string, error) {
if so.Table == "" {
return "", errors.New("must provide table name to generate SQL")
if so.Fields == nil || len(so.Fields) <= 0 {
return "", errors.New(("must pass fields in order to generate SQL queries"))
if so.Count <= 0 {
return "", errors.New("must have entry count")
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("INSERT INTO " + so.Table + " ")
// Loop through each field and put together column names
var cols []string
for _, f := range so.Fields {
cols = append(cols, f.Name)
sb.WriteString("(" + strings.Join(cols, ", ") + ")")
sb.WriteString(" VALUES ")
for i := 0; i < so.Count; i++ {
// Start opening value
// Now, we need to add all of our fields
var endStr string
for ii, field := range so.Fields {
// Set end of value string
endStr = ", "
if ii == len(so.Fields)-1 {
endStr = ""
// If autoincrement, add based upon loop
if field.Function == "autoincrement" {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", i+1, endStr))
// Get the function info for the field
funcInfo := GetFuncLookup(field.Function)
if funcInfo == nil {
return "", errors.New("invalid function, " + field.Function + " does not exist")
// Generate the value
val, err := funcInfo.Generate(r, &field.Params, funcInfo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Convert the output value to the proper SQL type
convertType := sqlConvertType(funcInfo.Output, val)
// If its the last field, we need to close the value
sb.WriteString(convertType + endStr)
// If its the last value, we need to close the value
if i == so.Count-1 {
} else {
return sb.String(), nil
// sqlConvertType will take in a type and value and convert it to the proper SQL type
func sqlConvertType(t string, val any) string {
switch t {
case "string":
return `'` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", val) + `'`
case "[]byte":
return `'` + fmt.Sprintf("%s", val) + `'`
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
func addDatabaseSQLLookup() {
AddFuncLookup("sql", Info{
Display: "SQL",
Category: "database",
Description: "Command in SQL used to add new data records into a database table",
Example: `INSERT INTO people
(id, first_name, price, age, created_at)
(1, 'Markus', 804.92, 21, '1937-01-30 07:58:01'),
(2, 'Santino', 235.13, 40, '1964-07-07 22:25:40');`,
Output: "string",
ContentType: "application/sql",
Params: []Param{
{Field: "table", Display: "Table", Type: "string", Description: "Name of the table to insert into"},
{Field: "count", Display: "Count", Type: "int", Default: "100", Description: "Number of inserts to generate"},
{Field: "fields", Display: "Fields", Type: "[]Field", Description: "Fields containing key name and function to run in json format"},
Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) {
so := SQLOptions{}
table, err := info.GetString(m, "table")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
so.Table = table
count, err := info.GetInt(m, "count")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
so.Count = count
fieldsStr, err := info.GetStringArray(m, "fields")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check to make sure fields has length
if len(fieldsStr) > 0 {
so.Fields = make([]Field, len(fieldsStr))
for i, f := range fieldsStr {
// Unmarshal fields string into fields array
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(f), &so.Fields[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sqlFunc(r, &so)