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2024-04-26 19:30:35 +00:00
package data
var Sentence = map[string][]string{
"phrase": {"what's yer poison", "time will tell", "I'm good", "nice to meet you", "spring forward, fall back", "what's your job", "once or twice", "you could have fooled me", "what's your name", "why not Zoidberg", "time you got a watch", "I'm Hindu", "fair play", "what's your phone number", "after the jump", "cease fire", "as ever", "I'm hot", "best of", "get well soon", "what's your poison", "when is closing time", "yes and amen", "you don't dip your pen in the company inkwell", "I'm hungry", "short of", "what's yours", "duces tecum", "after you", "yes and no", "I'm in love with you", "the pants off", "I'm Jewish", "few sandwiches short of a picnic", "shut the front door", "does a bear shit in the woods", "the party is over", "tomayto tomahto", "I'm looking for a grocery store", "does anyone here speak English", "heads I win, tails you lose", "I'm looking for a job", "stick a fork in it", "the penny drops", "I'm lost", "shut up and take my money", "mind you", "I'm married", "isn't it so", "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am", "does not compute", "hold your fire", "pardon me", "mind your own beeswax", "I'm mute", "does someone look like", "I'm not being funny", "leave me alone", "going once, going twice, sold", "you get that", "I'm not interested", "talk about", "here be dragons", "always a bridesmaid, never a bride", "the plot thickens", "close, but no cigar", "I'm not religious", "ultra vires", "bound to", "always the bridesmaid, never the bride", "the plural of anecdote is not data", "I'm pregnant", "comedy equals tragedy plus time", "get you", "heads will roll", "all to the better", "I'm rubber, you're glue", "going to", "when push comes to shove", "you had to be there", "I'm scared", "you have beautiful eyes", "enjoy your meal", "I'm sick", "doesn't have both oars in the water", "you have the advantage of me", "here lies", "check is in the mail", "I'm single", "stick 'em up", "when the chips are down", "you just had to", "that'll be the day", "I'm sorry", "very good", "lather, rinse, repeat", "you kiss your mother with that mouth", "that'll do", "the rabbit died", "I'm straight", "in order for", "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro", "I'm thirsty", "the rest is history", "it depends", "I'm tired", "in order to", "monkeys might fly out of my butt", "oh my life", "do want", "would it hurt", "you know what", "here you are", "all wool and a yard wide", "hit it", "pound for pound", "bottom falls out", "OK yah", "would it kill someone", "you know what I mean", "here you go", "alone in a crowd", "me neither", "chin up", "to be continued", "I'm twenty years old", "such is life", "off with someone's head", "Lord knows", "case closed", "you know what they say", "you've got to laugh", "ten points to Gryffindor", "that's a relief", "I'm worried", "kill the rabbit", "live and learn", "would not throw someone out of bed", "catch you later", "that's a wrap", "the rubber meets the road", "to be honest", "I'm your huckleberry", "off with their head", "you learn something new every day", "catch you on the flip side", "all your base are belong to us", "that's all", "horses for courses", "to be named later", "good night", "would you mind putting on your seat belt", "easy does it", "that's all she wrote", "me too", "oh noes", "that's for me to know and you to find out", "to be truthful", "still got one's communion money", "do you accept American dollars", "winner, winner, chicken dinner", "workers of the world, unite", "speak of the devil", "you must be fun at parties", "that's it", "hit me", "how about that", "ding, ding, ding, we have a winner", "do you accept credit cards", "word has it", "woulda, coulda, shoulda", "you must be new here", "how are you", "do you believe in God", "woulda, shoulda, coulda", "that's life", "safety in numbers", "how are you doing", "do you come here often", "worm has turned", "you never know", "that's my", "how are you getting along", "leave well enough alone", "do you have a boyfriend", "that's saying something", "the shoe is on the other foot", "this is someone", "do you have a girlfriend", "Lord onl